Flint Thoughts

To call or not to call ?

That is the question……

So my business is super super simple. People tend to over complicate the world of residential real estate. They think you need car magnets and fancy events etc etc etc they also think you need to be a hot 5ft 3 blonde who wears a sexy suit all day.

Facts. I’m a fat middle aged balding guy with shit teeth. All you really need to do to sell millions of dollars of real estate is tell people you sell real estate. You tell enough people that you sell real estate then as by magic you sell real estate.

So the most effective way I’ve found is to advertise on google . people register for my website and then i call them. About 1 in 100 will buy a piece of real estate immediately. then another 1-2 will buy something over the next 4-5 years.

Well interest rates suck right now compared to what they were at last couple years. 8% vs 2.5%, so there are a lot of people priced out of a still very hot market. Leads have not been converting the way they normally do and the teams pipeline has been shrinking.

Cold Calling and Spam

For a couple hundred dollars a month you can buy lists of peoples phone numbers and emails. Agents call them under the guise that they have a buyer for their home should they be interested in selling. Thousands of agents do this and some make an incredible living , there are numerous companies and a bunch of coaches who also make a ton of money doing this kind of thing.

Yesterday i received 38 unsolicited sales calls from various companies trying to sell me health insurance, accident insurance and even to sell me real estate. Do i want to be that guy who makes the 39th call ? Sure its effective, but its soul destroying task to endure.

So no I’m not going to cold call. I’m going to work on making my business more efficient in other ways and hopefully stack that profile once again.

Gotta go dental surgery today.

Or The Next Day

So cant lie yesterday was a bit of a disaster . I Tried to keep the day on track but my relationship with the wife is also very trying and today it tried hard. I have to learn to manage that side of my life, rather than drinking and retreating into work.


  • I knocked out a bunch of ppc stuff
  • I re arranged the icons on my phone to distract my self from the doom scroll
  • I made the meal plan for the week and orded food
  • Watched survivor with the wife and kid

So the best thing I feel like I did Today was to change my apps around on my screen (below). The aim of the game is to remove as many distractions as possible (social media) , and replace them with positive

things like the water tracker and my fitness pal. You will also notice the 75 hard app, which is based around a fitness challenge from Andy Friscella. Basically for 75 days you have to read 10 pages, work out twice, eat clean and drink a bunch of water. I did complete it once before and lost a bunch of weight. So Im going to focus on that for now hopefully brings up my self esteem and gets me laid more hahaha.


  • I I drank 8 beers and went to the bar
  • I ate 2 candy bars
  • I sat and stewed all day on my feelings

I’ll Start Tomorrow

So this is my first post !! woop woop hold the applause please . It could be my last, I hope its not, and I hope my writing style gets a lot better.

Ive always had the maƱana attitude to stuff , one last “treat” before I knuckle down to whatever i need to knuckle down on. Knowing this and thinking about writing this blog I had one of those moments. Bear with me it may take a while to get to the point.

This morning I had a doctors appointment to discuss various different issues I’ve been having. Cholesterol & gout among others. I had blood tests done this week and results were in . I knew they were going to be bad and they were.

Yup !! Bad As you can see my blood is pancake batter, and my uric acid is high. I think maybe because my meds were out and I had a heavy weekend in charlotte for a soccer game .

Anywho… let me try and make a point before I bore everyone to death. I talked with the doctor and we agreed to really focus on my diet, and check back in 28 days. I will monitor everything I eat and all the excercise I do, and upload to the Plushcare site before our appointment. Ok … cool… let’s do that .

Breakfast today!!

I shower go down stairs and make myself the above mess of a breakfast! completely blowing the day. Any input on why I do this? I’m not helping myself at all, I know im not but i do it anyway.

OK Rob out. Ive so many chores to do and Zero motivation to do them.