Flint Thoughts

Or The Next Day

So cant lie yesterday was a bit of a disaster . I Tried to keep the day on track but my relationship with the wife is also very trying and today it tried hard. I have to learn to manage that side of my life, rather than drinking and retreating into work.


  • I knocked out a bunch of ppc stuff
  • I re arranged the icons on my phone to distract my self from the doom scroll
  • I made the meal plan for the week and orded food
  • Watched survivor with the wife and kid

So the best thing I feel like I did Today was to change my apps around on my screen (below). The aim of the game is to remove as many distractions as possible (social media) , and replace them with positive

things like the water tracker and my fitness pal. You will also notice the 75 hard app, which is based around a fitness challenge from Andy Friscella. Basically for 75 days you have to read 10 pages, work out twice, eat clean and drink a bunch of water. I did complete it once before and lost a bunch of weight. So Im going to focus on that for now hopefully brings up my self esteem and gets me laid more hahaha.


  • I I drank 8 beers and went to the bar
  • I ate 2 candy bars
  • I sat and stewed all day on my feelings

I’ll Start Tomorrow

So this is my first post !! woop woop hold the applause please . It could be my last, I hope its not, and I hope my writing style gets a lot better.

Ive always had the mañana attitude to stuff , one last “treat” before I knuckle down to whatever i need to knuckle down on. Knowing this and thinking about writing this blog I had one of those moments. Bear with me it may take a while to get to the point.

This morning I had a doctors appointment to discuss various different issues I’ve been having. Cholesterol & gout among others. I had blood tests done this week and results were in . I knew they were going to be bad and they were.

Yup !! Bad As you can see my blood is pancake batter, and my uric acid is high. I think maybe because my meds were out and I had a heavy weekend in charlotte for a soccer game .

Anywho… let me try and make a point before I bore everyone to death. I talked with the doctor and we agreed to really focus on my diet, and check back in 28 days. I will monitor everything I eat and all the excercise I do, and upload to the Plushcare site before our appointment. Ok … cool… let’s do that .

Breakfast today!!

I shower go down stairs and make myself the above mess of a breakfast! completely blowing the day. Any input on why I do this? I’m not helping myself at all, I know im not but i do it anyway.

OK Rob out. Ive so many chores to do and Zero motivation to do them.